
Best Speaker?

(this prize not belong to me..but us..)

I won the prize that I never expected that I can win it in my Life-- Best Speaker (1st prize of Oral Presentation). To me, it's so unreal! =_="

I appreciate much to have this supervisor Miss Wong. There is no one teach me the actual way to make a good presentation before, she is the 1st one.

Before competition, I presented once in front of her. Then, she used my power slides and presented again in front of me, to guide me how to present well. (Only two words can describe this: really用心!) I think no lecturer will be so willing to waste her time to help u think how to improve and recontruct every of ur sentences...

Through her presentation, I really learned what differentiate between a good and bad presentation..and how to improve it...
(p/s: She won the same Best speaker award during her school time..)

On the day of competiton, after I presented and went back home, she messaged me: "YL, regardless of d outcome, we think u did a great presentation. So congrats!" So nice of her..

I respect her much and appreciate her kindness.. ^_^

Matta Fair

这还是我第一次去Matta Fair咧~一去就连续去两天,哈哈~ blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

看到许多旅游配套都挺便宜的。。其中最吸引人的就是那rm8 per person的A Famosa Condo。。从照片看来那condo挺不错的。。但不懂真正是怎样的啦~ 今天已经跟朋友定下这rm8的住宿了,哈哈! 上次一直很想去A Famosa cowboy town,但都没去成,这次一定要去~blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-4 days 3 nights Phuket trip: inclusive MAS air ticket and hotel with SPA+with breakfast => RM 785
觉得好便宜。。很想去。。可是要得当场决定及付完所有钱。。 最后没买。。 blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

-Langkawi的hotel package也很便宜。。3 days 2 nights: 四个人一间房(langkasuka resort),再加上两天的出租车才rm418blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com 去langkawi附近的pulau payar snorkeling有buy1free1配套,rm160^_^

-台湾,香港和韩国的旅游配套的价钱也都蛮ok。。等以后开始做工了,再去Matta Fair看这些国外配套,哈哈!

这个5月22日-31日已经决定去台湾了!不过都不是在Matta Fair买的配套。。而是我大姐策划的自由团。。 想去台湾很久了~ 哈哈哈,去那里很想买多多东西~ 这次去台湾应该会花掉我很多的$$。。买的机票不是promotion price, 再加上会跟姐姐和表姐去小巨蛋看SHE演唱会噢! 很期待看SHE的演唱会哦,哈哈!^_^


这次去Matta Fair还有小插曲。。

昨晚去Matta Fair有个台湾婚纱booth。。那里的一个台湾女生看到我朋友拿着Matta Fair的袋子就很兴奋说她很喜欢那袋子,很想要!可是她们不被允许买票入门,所以也不能得到那袋子。。 我就跟她说我隔天还会再来,拿到的袋子可以给她。。 我没有想到她反应竟然非常大地说:“你人心地真的很好!下次你要摄影,我可以给你最低的价钱!有机会你去台湾,我带你去吃好吃的食物!” (原来她是designer) 我跟她说我五月会去台北,她热情到肯Offer我借住她家(不过太多人挤不下她家咯。。), 还叫我去到台北一定要记得联络她,她会介绍我好吃的 :)

隔天我跟朋友再去Matta Fair, 回的时候就拿袋子给她,我们用了的门票没烂,所以也给她们。她和她的同事很开心,眼神也真的是很感激那种。。别人开心我也觉得很开心。。^_^

其实很多时候我去帮别人,真的没有想要回报,如果要求不过分,我能做得到,基本上我都会帮。。我想我真的很乐于助人咯。。连看到路人在地上坐着像不舒服,就算他像疯子,我都会想上前帮助他。。有很多aunty问过我路,就算我不清楚,也真的都去帮她们弄清楚=_=" 看到就算可能是骗子(尤其是老人),我都还是会很想捐钱。。。


其实多帮助别人也没什么不好,我时常觉得上天总是给我很多最好的,一直保护着我。。身边也一直有家人,知己们和男朋友保护着我。。。 我一直觉得很感激,所以也觉得我该分给有需要的人。。 哈哈,就像我朋友常说的: Give and take吧^_^

Few days of REST

Finally i can have at least 1 or 2 days rest.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

I had been racing with time on the past few weeks to finish my works..My never ending workloads~

There were a lot of things happened this week..things that surprised me much.. On Monday, I went to a meeting with The Malaysian Cohort team at HUKM with my professor Dr Poh (she is also co-supervisor of my thesis) to discuss whether to use or not the physical activity questionnaire developed by me in their project. The Malaysian Cohort is actually a very big project which involve 100,000 Malaysian adults.. So, to my very surprise, after listened to my explaination of the outcome of my project, the president of The Malaysian Cohort accepted my questionnaire! He even wanted to copy right it and make it a questionnaire under their project..a big WOW! Besides, he also immediately gave direction to his assistants to start using it on their subjects..(that means there will be 10k, 20k, 30k or more participants in their projects be using this questionnaire from now on and also the following years...) @_@ I really never thought of they'll accept it..

On Tuesday night, I received an email from my supervisor (Miss Wong) that told me that the abstract of my thesis had been accepted by the International Conference of Obesity (ICO 2010) to participate in their poster presentation. The venue of this conference will be at Stockholm, Sweden. My project can be presented in oversea wor, hahaha~ As this congress will be in July, my supervisor will be the presenter there for my project ^_^ Haha, I hope i can go sweden also ler..but i think need to pay myself if i want go and join.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

On wednesday, I had my project results presentation at school in Malay. My co-supervisor (Dr Poh) selected me to present again on Friday in English to other lecturers, and there will be 2 students being chosen to compete with students from UPM in Oral Presentation during NSM Conference (NSM= Nutrition Society of Malaysia). Even though Dr Poh is not my direct supervisor, she still selected me, I really feel that she trusted me.. I dun feel that stress in doing my thesis compared with representing my both supervisors (Miss Wong and Dr Poh) to present my work in front other lecturers.. If i really present very badly due to my lousy english speaking, I really will make both of them "lose face" and disappointed =_="

I don't like presentation at all.. I don't like to present or perform in front of others, I don't like to be the centre of attention during a presentation.. It make me feel extreme nervous....a feeling that can make me nearly faint on the spot.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com On Friday, both of my supervisors didn't come to see my presentation or vote for me to present in NSM confernce.. (Even though they didn't come, but don't know why, I feel that they always trusted me..) At the end of the presentation, I was being selected.. I feel glad that i didn't dissappoint my supervisors..but also feel panic to present again in NSM conference on 25 March and compete with others there.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com


Super inactive lifestyle x_x

每天都在赶assignments。 完成了一样,又来另一样。。没完没了。。再加上那剩下不多时间做的毕业论文。。我觉得自己变成一个疯狂工作的robot了。。>_<


好想写blog记录下今年农历新年充实及愉快的活动,前几天的coursenight,还有分享下前几天去了间挂羊头卖狗肉的korean stone bbq steamboat restaurant(根本就是间一般的steamboat restaurant嘛,哪里是所谓的韩国餐馆咧!)。。但是得等到比较有空的时候才能写这些blog了。。
